Managing Internal Feature Requests

Graphic of product manager trying to manage internal product feature requests

4 minute read

What’s the best way to handle internal feature requests without creating frustration or negatively impacting your roadmap? Longtime product manager offers some tried and true tips.

Feature requests are opportunities to make your products better, especially when those requests reflect the needs of your users. Oftentimes though, those requests come from internal requests. In fact, product managers tend to face a constant flood of feature requests from internal teams, each driven by their own priorities—sales want tools to boost revenue, marketing needs features for campaigns, and support demands better troubleshooting systems.

While saying “Yes, we can build it!” might sound appealing, seasoned product managers know the real question is, “Should we build it?”

This article explores how to manage internal feature requests by aligning goals, building transparent roadmaps, and relying on data-driven insights—all while fostering a culture of collaboration and clear communication.

Managing Internal Product Feature Requests

The parent in me enjoys watching Bob the Builder with my kids, but the product manager in me has an issue with the catchphrase “Yes we can!” because it’s the answer to every request that comes Bob’s way.

As a product manager, I get asked similar versions of this deceptively simple question all of the time. My more pragmatic response is usually, “Sure, we can build just about anything, but should we?” I guess this isn’t a great catchphrase, but it would make Bob a better product manager.

The most successful product ideas usually come from customers, but there’s no shortage of ideas coming to product managers from internal stakeholders. Predictably, ideas for internal product features tend to be focused internally. For example, marketing might want new purchasing options within a product, and support might want new administrative tools. These things typically provide internal value but not much for the end customer.

So, how can you limit internal requests for features that often have competing goals? The following three suggestions have worked well in my career as a product manager.

1. Get Aligned on a Set of Objectives

Define your organization’s goals and prioritize internal requests that support them.

If information security’s goal is security and uptime and sales’ goal is revenue, it’s difficult to prioritize each of their needs in a common backlog. But if you, as the gatekeeper, can point to one set of top-down objectives, it becomes easier. Let’s look at an example of this. Let’s say that the organization’s objectives include increasing revenue per customer. In this situation, if sales request a product widget that enables them to sell add-ons, it’s clear this request trumps others that don’t directly contribute to the revenue goal.

When making this list of objectives, limit it to a select few. If you aren’t selective, the list won’t actually help you prioritize incoming requests. If you work with other product teams, the first step is to make sure your own team is in alignment. Next, your list should be clearly publicized to top leadership, and representatives from each part of the organization should be involved. This provides transparency and a sense of ownership.

2. Build a Transparent Roadmap

When everyone can see your roadmap, the impact of inserting additional projects becomes far more clear.

When you tell someone outside of product management that their idea will be “added to the backlog,” how do you think they interpret that? I suspect they visualize it being shelved in some giant warehouse, never to see the light of day. While some ideas deserve that fate, that’s not the impression you want to give. One of the best ways to avoid this is to be completely open about what is included and excluded in your product roadmap.

Publish your roadmap internally for all to see. Include a simple executive summary with relative priorities, but leave out requirement details. Make sure every project and feature references the business object it supports. Whenever possible, include supporting data like survey results and add a change log to show regular additions and adjustments.

Don’t forget that your roadmap can and should be used for self-promotion. Put a big checkmark on completed projects and include results data, such as a project’s effect on your net promoter score or conversion rates.

3. Spend More Time with Data

Having and sharing data is the best way to encourage everyone to make informed decisions over impulse decisions.

Let’s face it. It’s easy to blame the product. You’ve probably been in a meeting where the following conversation occurred:

“You know, Big Scary Competitor just released Super Cool Feature.”

“Really? Why don’t we have Super Cool Feature?”

“We should! I bet that’s why sales are soft this month!”

Suddenly, everyone gives you that desperate “Can we build it?” look. This is when some relevant data can help avoid debate and objectively explain why the Super Cool Feature should not be a priority.

Regularly spending time with both customers and data will supply you with the qualitative and quantitative ammunition needed to fend off impulse projects. As with your roadmap, your research should be shared openly to help everyone make more informed decisions.

The best way to share research is to take survey data, analytics, conversations, tests, and observations and craft them into stories that educate and excite your team. As Paul Simon said, “Facts can be turned into art if one is artful enough.” Using data visualization tools like Tableau or Power BI is one way to artfully use data to tell stories and support your goals.

As a product manager, you should enthusiastically welcome your colleagues into the ideation process. You never know where the next great opportunity will come from. But it’s your responsibility, for which you are uniquely qualified, to evaluate each idea against a focused set of objectives. Be consistent in your message, candid with information and perhaps a bit diplomatic. You’ll find requests from colleagues become more focused as they join you in asking, “Should we build it?”


  • Mike Savory

    Mike Savory, a professional with 31 years of experience in product management, has made significant contributions during his tenures at Timeslips Corporation, Sage, FINSYNC, and ClickTime. For questions or inquiries, please contact [email protected].

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