When tackling market problems we all know the importance of identification and validation so we can move strategically and confidently towards building the kinds of products and features customers want to buy. Now more than ever, Agile has paved a new wave of product efficiency by enhancing collaboration using an incremental approach to providing solutions.
But how do you navigate the agile process for a product or feature when you’ve identified a market problem? What types of principles should you be adhering to and what are the biggest benchmarks to measure progress and success?
Join us Thursday, February 24 at 1 p.m. EST as we welcome Lisa Boivin, Product Manager at Paramount + for her discussion on how to use Agile to tackle market problems and help create features and products that over-deliver time after time.
In this Product Chat, you’ll learn:
- How to use agile thinking to identify market problems
- Ways to solve market problems utilizing an agile workflow
- Key indicators for tracking progress and success
- and more!